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In the pilgrimage funicular railway to the Santa Cova chapel

The Montserrat Benedictine Monastery is situated in the impressive mountain massif of the same  name northwest  of  Barcelonaand  has  been  a  well-known  pilgrimage  center  for centuries. Forcomfortable transportation of the pilgrims to the various locations in the terrain, during the course of the decades, many differentmeans of transportation have been built in this area. For example, in 1929, in addition to the rack railway of Montserrat, a funicularwas also built, which links the monastery with Santa Cova Chapel, the “Holy Cave”, the location  at  which  the  sacred  image  of  the  Virginof  Montserrat  was  found,  according  to legend. Due to the damage caused by the downpour in June 2000, the original funicular hadto be reconstructed with a new system.

In  2018,  the  operating  company  of  the  railway,  the  Ferrocarrils  de  la  Generalitat  de Catalunya (FGC), commissioned LEITNER andits Spanish subsidiary Teleféricos y Nieve for the modernization of the funicular. The undercarriages were developed and built in the overhaul  workshopat  LEITNER  in  Leinì,  the  brakes  and  electrical  technology  were  also replaced. The bodywas completely refurbished by a partner company in Salerno (IT) and the hauling cable was replaced. Overall, the wagon was to lose weight in order to achieve a higher transportcapacity. The required capacity of 25 people per wagon was even exceeded -thetwo wagons now offer space for 40 passengerseach. One of the biggest challenges with thisproject was the access to the railway route. This is on a very steep section of the mountainand  detailed  technical  planning  was  therefore  necessary  for  the  delivery  of  the wagons andthe replacement of the hauling cable.

The funicular overcomes a height difference of 118 meters in around three minutes over a length of 262 metersand with a maximum gradient of 56,5%. In the middle of the route, two wagons  can pass  by  one  another  due  to  a  doubletrack  section.  In  summer  2020,  the renovated installation was able to return to service.

 reporter: Ram-Brand
Categoria: Lifts under construction and projects
Data: 27 feb 2021, 08:20:57