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Lift-Database » Lifts in the world

 La Plagne-Montalbert

Height of valley station: 1794 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1980 m
Driving speed line: 2,1 m/s
Route distance: 716 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1993 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 

Height of valley station: 1393 m
Travel time: 1,4 min
Height of mountain station: 1442 m
Driving speed line: 3,6 m/s
Route distance: 302 m
Maximum capacity: 500 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1980 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1542 m
Travel time: 1,8 min
Height of mountain station: 1617 m
Driving speed line: 2,5 m/s
Route distance: 265 m
Maximum capacity: 888 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2014 
Lift manufacturer: LST 

Height of valley station: 1356 m
Travel time: 4,66 min
Height of mountain station: 1616 m
Driving speed line: 3 m/s
Route distance: 838 m
Maximum capacity: 800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2015 
Lift manufacturer: GMM 

Height of valley station: 1940 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1969 m
Driving speed line: 1,5 m/s
Route distance: 132 m
Maximum capacity: 620 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1993 
Lift manufacturer: Montagner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1356 m
Travel time: 6,21 min
Height of mountain station: 1976 m
Driving speed line: 6 m/s
Route distance: 2284 m
Maximum capacity: 2800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2015 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1600 m
Travel time: 12 min
Height of mountain station: 1974 m
Driving speed line: 2,3 m/s
Route distance: 1636 m
Maximum capacity: 2100 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1990 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1627 m
Travel time: 5,5 min
Height of mountain station: 1980 m
Driving speed line: 3,76 m/s
Route distance: 1235 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1987 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 

Height of valley station: 1552 m
Travel time: 3 min
Height of mountain station: 1624 m
Driving speed line: 1,6 m/s
Route distance: 307 m
Maximum capacity: 600 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1971 
Lift manufacturer: Montaz Mautino 

Height of valley station: 1354 m
Travel time: 2,5 min
Height of mountain station: 1514 m
Driving speed line: 3,53 m/s
Route distance: 548 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1987 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 

Height of valley station: 1355 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1610 m
Driving speed line: 4,5 m/s
Route distance: 817 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1996 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 
Seasontime: ??

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Place-ID: 1063