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Lift-Database » Lifts in the world


Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: 5,4 min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: 3,0 m/s
Route distance: 972 m
Maximum capacity: 896 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2009 
Lift manufacturer: Garaventa 

Height of valley station: 2143 m
Travel time: 2 min
Height of mountain station: 2174 m
Driving speed line: 2,0 m/s
Route distance: 235 m
Maximum capacity: 619 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2018 
Lift manufacturer: Garaventa 

Height of valley station: 1737 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 2242 m
Driving speed line: 5 m/s
Route distance: 1456 m
Maximum capacity: 2000 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2005 
Lift manufacturer: Garaventa 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 2182 m
Travel time: 7,8 min
Height of mountain station: 2650 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1436 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1976 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 

Height of valley station: 2182 m
Travel time: 6,8 min
Height of mountain station: 2640 m
Driving speed line: 3,2 m/s
Route distance: 1323 m
Maximum capacity: 800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2002 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 

Height of valley station: 2384 m
Travel time: 5,3 min
Height of mountain station: 2624 m
Driving speed line: 2,0 m/s
Route distance: 701 m
Maximum capacity: 1350 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1982 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 

Height of valley station: 2110 m
Travel time: 2,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2200 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 321 m
Maximum capacity: 700 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1973 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 2175 m
Travel time: 3,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2268 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 410 m
Maximum capacity: 850 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2004 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 

Height of valley station: 2121 m
Travel time: 7,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2380 m
Driving speed line: 3,2 m/s
Route distance: 1093 m
Maximum capacity: 600 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1977 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 

Height of valley station: 1837 m
Travel time: 5,5 min
Height of mountain station: 2438 m
Driving speed line: 6 m/s
Route distance: 1610 m
Maximum capacity: 2000 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2019 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1861 m
Travel time: 12,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2197 m
Driving speed line: 2 m/s
Route distance: 1447 m
Maximum capacity: 1600 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1990 
Lift manufacturer: Garaventa 

Height of valley station: 1730 m
Travel time: 6,5 min
Height of mountain station: 2438 m
Driving speed line: 6 m/s
Route distance: 1870 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2013 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1738 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 2049 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 2570 m
Maximum capacity: 1440 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1988 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1385 m
Travel time: 8,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2200 m
Driving speed line: 5,0 m/s
Route distance: 2293 m
Maximum capacity: 1800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1992 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1895 m
Travel time: 6,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2194 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1040 m
Maximum capacity: 850 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1967 
Lift manufacturer: Poma 

Height of valley station: 2180 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 2200 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 200 m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 1996 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1842 m
Travel time: 5,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2164 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 942 m
Maximum capacity: 800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1978 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1734 m
Travel time: 11,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2238 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1522 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1977 
Lift manufacturer: Willy Bühler 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 2130 m
Travel time: 2,5 min
Height of mountain station: 2436 m
Driving speed line: 8,0 m/s
Route distance: 734 m
Maximum capacity: 1000 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1984 
Lift manufacturer: Garaventa 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 2184 m
Travel time: 4,3 min
Height of mountain station: 2436 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 789 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1975 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1450 m
Travel time: 6,0 min
Height of mountain station: 1550 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1175 m
Maximum capacity: 800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1959 
Lift manufacturer: Baco 

Height of valley station: 1734 m
Travel time: 10,0 min
Height of mountain station: 2233 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1316 m
Maximum capacity: 1440 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1985 
Lift manufacturer: Von Roll-Habegger 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1385 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 2196 m
Driving speed line: 3,0 m/s
Route distance: 2275 m
Maximum capacity: 600 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1969 
Lift manufacturer: von Roll 
Seasontime: ??

6/10-CGD  Prarion - Tracouet
Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 2025 
Lift manufacturer: ?? 
Seasontime: ??

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  La Tzoumaz

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Place-ID: 2034