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Lift-Database » Lifts in the world

 Ponte di Legno

Height of valley station: 1928 m
Travel time: 4 min
Height of mountain station: 2120 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 814 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1994 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 

Height of valley station: 1500 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1868 m
Driving speed line: 5 m/s
Route distance: 1084 m
Maximum capacity: 1800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2015 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1639 m
Travel time: 7 min
Height of mountain station: 1915 m
Driving speed line: 6,0 m/s
Route distance: 2368 m
Maximum capacity: 1800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2006 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1510 m
Travel time: 9 min
Height of mountain station: 1933 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1273 m
Maximum capacity: 1098 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1989 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1253 m
Travel time: 7 min
Height of mountain station: 1640 m
Driving speed line: 6,0 m/s
Route distance: 2616 m
Maximum capacity: 1800 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2006 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1309 m
Travel time: 7 min
Height of mountain station: 1725 m
Driving speed line: 2,8 m/s
Route distance: 1082 m
Maximum capacity: 1004 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2004 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 

Height of valley station: 1258,5 m
Travel time: 3 min
Height of mountain station: 1515,20 m
Driving speed line: 5,00 m/s
Route distance: 716,19 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2005 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1500 m
Travel time: 6 min
Height of mountain station: 1792 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 972 m
Maximum capacity: 1022 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1979 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1260 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1920 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1800 m
Maximum capacity: 200 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1946 
Lift manufacturer: Graffer 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1260 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1920 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1775 m
Maximum capacity: 280 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1959 
Lift manufacturer: Marchisio 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1270 m
Travel time: 6 min
Height of mountain station: 1514 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 707 m
Maximum capacity: 1028 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1979 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

10-MGD  Valbione - Corno d'Aola - Angelo
Height of valley station: 1508 m
Travel time: 6,55 min
Height of mountain station: 2110 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 202? 
Lift manufacturer: ?? 
Seasontime: ??

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Place-ID: 1531