Aervice » Helpt u ons
On this side you find information to support and/or to help us.
Technical Datas:
If you want to help us with:
- Edit or change of technical datas
- Report from lift projects or existing lifts
then you must register yourselves for the members area.
There can you find appropriate forms to enter the datas.
Datas for example send by email, Icq, etc. cannot be considered.
If you liked to upload photos, then you must register yourselves for the members area.
Every member can upload photos with a special sheet.
The following is to be considered:
- Landscape format: Minimum 707x530 pixel or larger
- Portrait format: Minimum 530x707 pixel or larger
- The photo quality must be correct.
(For e.g. no blurred, overexposed or to dark photos)
- Only send photos those copyright you provided or if you have a
permission of the author.
If your photo only in one point the conditions specified above does not correspond it will be delete.
If you want to help us with:
- Edit or change of technical datas
- Report from lift projects or existing lifts
then you must register yourselves for the members area.
There can you find appropriate forms to enter the datas.
Datas for example send by email, Icq, etc. cannot be considered.
If you liked to upload photos, then you must register yourselves for the members area.
Every member can upload photos with a special sheet.
The following is to be considered:
- Landscape format: Minimum 707x530 pixel or larger
- Portrait format: Minimum 530x707 pixel or larger
- The photo quality must be correct.
(For e.g. no blurred, overexposed or to dark photos)
- Only send photos those copyright you provided or if you have a
permission of the author.
If your photo only in one point the conditions specified above does not correspond it will be delete.